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Children Food Dillema : Sweet Dream or Sweet Candy ?


Children Food Dillema : Sweet Dream or Sweet Candy ?

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JAKARTA, Kalimantanpost.com – More than 35,8 million or 13 percents of  Indonesia’s population are suffering from diabetes. With current trend of children taking sugary foods and drinks, number of pediatric patients undergoing hemodialysis at has shown a significant increase.

Earlier, the Hasan Sadikin Central General Hospital (RSHS) in Bandung, West Java, assured there has been number of child patients requiring dialysis or hemodialysis treatment at the hospital. Dr. Ahmedz Widiasta from the nephrology division of RSHS said that around 20 children undergo dialysis routinely every month at the hospital.


“If not treated, it could become a chronic disease,” said Health Minister Budi Gunaidi Sadikin last Friday. Sadikin urged the public, particularly children, to start reducing their sugar consumption to prevent chronic disease. He said that high consumption of sugary foods and drinks has been linked to kidney failure in children.

“Sugar is the cause of all kinds of diseases, including kidneys, liver, stroke, and heart disease,” he said, adding that daily sugar intake must not exceed four teaspoons.Parents and family have an important role in ensuring healthy food consumption and reducing sugar, salt, and fat intake.

Try to eat your children’s candy. You must admit it. No matter the holiday or occasion, when they find overflowing baskets full of chocolately goodness. in snitch heaven.

Health Ministry and related parties urges to immediately apply special labels to packaged food and drinks to prevent a spike in cases of children on dialysis, whose number has been detected to be high.Labeling can give assurance to the public. For example, a green label means safe for consumption.

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Why? Well children, like most adults and certainly dogs, lack a sense of self control. So how are parents to survive the upcoming weeks when we can be certain we’ll be assaulted with endless pleading and whining for candy?

firstly, and maybe a hindsight observation, it is important to limit the amount of candy you even allow your child to acquire. It is, after all, the adults who purchase the candy. Keep it sensible. Children don’t need pounds of candy. This is one case where more certainly isn’t better. Who can argue the occasion yummy treat? But to have so much that it lasts more than a week or two is excessive. If friends and family like to give sweet treats at holidays, express that while your children love the goodies too much is a bad thing. Would they consider purchasing less and sending the difference in a savings account? Twenty bucks a few times a year really adds up! Certainly kids will appreciate that when they are college bound.

Also, it is imperative to communicate to our children what our expectations are about the candy. Should we limit how much candy a day? Should it only be a treat for rewarding good behavior or a dessert after every meal? Only parents can decide that and we are a strong believer that parents know their children best. What works for one family might not necessarily work for another. However, there is a fine line you can draw between over and under doing it. You can be neurotic, measuring every caloric intake, or nonchalant nursing a tummy-ached child in the wee hours of the morning.

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There’s a tales from parents who buy their children candy back at five or 10 cents each and stories of candy fairies who replace donated candy with a new toy while children sleep. Some parents hide the stash and find an out-of-sight out-of-mind approach successful. Others freeze chocolate, saving it for a rainy day. Then there are the good folks story tell who eat the pile away piece by gooey piece when the children aren’t looking. Never mind what it does to our hips, we justify “it’s for the kids’ best.”(RFZ/JKT)

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